Please note: As the Catholic Church will be celebrating the Jubilee in 2025, we anticipate accommodation options across Rome being reserved quickly, as well as price increases. We therefore strongly recommend to make your own reservation as soon as possible.
For your convenience, we have negotiated rates for the Bettoja Hotels (Mediterraneo and Massimo D’Azeglio) and for the Best Western Hotel Globus. You can check further information and negotiated rates on these hotels here below.
The list also includes the University Guest House, which offers a very limited number of rooms at a convenient price. To reserve a room, please email with your request, specifying your arrival and departure dates, as well as the desired room type. We will then provide you with further details.
To receive discounted rates at Bettoja Hotels go on the hotel website and enter the code “ALBA” during the reservation process.
For discounted rates at the Best Western Hotel Globus, send an email to stating that you will be attending ISFEH11, and you will be granted access to the special rates.
Please note, these negotiated rates are based upon availability. We encourage all attendees to reserve as soon as possible.
Near-by Hotels
Rome has a wide range of accommodation of any kind and rates. Feel free to choose the accommodation that best suits your needs through the major search engine “Booking”, “Expedia”, other, or through your travel agent.